Archive for April, 2018

Early in the Morning

My morning started with birds visiting our yard. The sun cleared the hill behind our house, and the birds became more active. I started taking pictures as the sun cleared the strip pit behind our house. I took pictures of the sunlight brightening the emerging leaves in the hackberry tree, the pine and the sweetgum trees.

The sunlight lit the few strands of spider silk and changed their colors to mostly orange.

I like the depth of the layered image of branches and new flowers emerging among them.


Chipping Sparrows

I see several birds daily now, even in the gloomy rainy days. Their numbers continue to increase.

The chipping sparrows stayed among the limbs, close to the trunk of the tree.

They were active birds. At least a couple of them stayed for me to photograph.

This one might see food or want me to go somewhere else.


Resting Owl

I was taking a slow walk around the backyard yesterday afternoon.

  It was a calm, quiet day

with only a few birds: robins, a blue jay, a cardinal, and … an owl.

 Only the owl wasn’t really an owl. It was a broken limb in the sweet gum tree in our backyard.

It looked like an owl resting near the end of the limb.

I do so like owls of all kinds.