Archive for the ‘Nature Tidbits’ Category

Stem Flow

Stem Flow

We’ve had on and off rain recently.

Chemicals from the pine bark form a white flux when it rains.

It only flows from near the base of our only pine tree,

and can easily be seen from a distance.

 The foam gradually slides down the bark of the pine tree and evaporates on the way down.

 It will dry rather quickly after the rain stops, and the sun comes out.


Wonders in Nature

    I have lots of rocks in the house and many many more edging the gardens in my backyard.

Most were picked for their shape, color and design.

This rock “bowl” holds water and attracts birds. It also reflects any nearby plants.

 Any water movement in this “bowl” reflects small objects, clouds, nearby plants,

and clouds in the sky.

A light wind moves the reflections of a nearby vine.



A Little Girl up in the Clouds

What fun it would be to watch the earth from a cloud way up high!

There’s a young cloud-girl on the right side of a cloud, way up high in the sky.

Her dog sits on the opposite side of the shallow cloud-bowl they’re sitting on.

 I wonder what their view looks like from way up high?

Early in the Morning

My morning started with birds visiting our yard. The sun cleared the hill behind our house, and the birds became more active. I started taking pictures as the sun cleared the strip pit behind our house. I took pictures of the sunlight brightening the emerging leaves in the hackberry tree, the pine and the sweetgum trees.

The sunlight lit the few strands of spider silk and changed their colors to mostly orange.

I like the depth of the layered image of branches and new flowers emerging among them.


Shadows on the Snow

  Shady days postpone the snow’s melting.

The sun and shadows create abstract designs.

The sun slowly shifts the shadows over the snow.


Every direction offers a different artistic design.

The end of the day approaches.

Colors of Winter

Ice and freezing rain can have surprising results …

and more surprising results.

There’s intricate designs,

a frozen icicle in a stick cage

and lots of sparkles.


Surprising Colors

      Today started out cloudy, cold and windy. The word “dull” came to mind.

                                                                                                                      We’d had an ice storm during the night.

                                    I  went out after breakfast to walk around the  yard. All the ice reflected the gray sky. I took a few pictures to remind me of the ice storm. I just realized I’d overlooked one picture that I’d taken:  It has such an artistic design with a combination of the colors in the background and the linear shapes in the foreground.

The colors set the mood for the day … unless the weather changes.


This picture shows linear movement of the ice-colored twigs on a near-by tree.

This picture was taken about the same time as the one above. Both were taken in our backyard.

It shows the results of camera movement and the early morning light.

Sky Variations

Some cloud “shows” are too fascinating miss.

Some move faster than others.

There can be “mountains,”

and distant “hills.”

Looks like this one wants to definitely be seen.

 The sunlit edge of the cloud adds variety to the gathering clouds.

The clouds start gathering and look like they’re trying to fill the sky.

These pictures were taken earlier in the summer.

Arrow Clouds

I was infatuated when I saw these clouds. Their shape slightly resembled an arrow.

 It would be interesting to know how the “arrow” formed … the wind would be involved.

How can one cloud be reversed from the neighboring one?


What a Sunset!

We live on the east side of the highway,

with a large field across the highway in the west.

We’ve practically had large billowing clouds almost daily for several weeks.

Most lingered into the evening.

They constantly changed shapes and reflected the colors.

The changing colors put on a dramatic show.

I took all these (and more) pictures from our front yard.

I wonder what to expect this evening.