Archive for the ‘Orbs’ Category

Fog Two Ways

The ground’s finally thawing after our last heavy snow … which wasn’t too long after the first heavy ice/snow event.

The warming and yesterday’s rain resulted in a dense fog this morning.


The truck’s headlights are near the edge of our yard. If you look close at the back end of our neighbor’s shrub row, you’ll see another semi coming toward us.


 It’s 9 a.m. and the fog still shows no sign of lifting.


 There’s fog and then there’s fog.


I took several pictures of the fog from the front porch at 6 o’clock this morning.


I set my camera on the low light setting and used the flash to take orb pictures. It can be a fun experiment.

Elemental Orbs

I often try photographing orbs while hiking. Sometimes it works. The water had a healthy flow on this spring trip on Eagle Mountain.

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My picture-taking alternated between the trees and the tumbling, bubbling water.

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Imagine my surprise when orbs appeared in some of the water pictures.

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Orbs are said to emanate from Spirit Beings, in this case the undines, the water spirits.

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I’m convinced that my camera takes over to get some of the pictures like this one. The inner rings are indicative of spirit orbs, not like the ones resulting from dust, pollen, water particles in the air that can result in orbs too. Those lack any internal structure.

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I didn’t see these orbs in the trees until I got the pictures in the computer. These orbs were from sylphs, the air spirits.

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You can tell by the trails they left that they’re fast movers. It was also a way to let me know who they were.

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Orbs are said to be spheres, not discs …. so, how do I explain this cone-shaped one?

Elementals, without getting into too much information, are forces of nature — earth, water, air and fire. Elementals are the building blocks of nature, according to Ted Andrews in his “Enchantment of the Faerie Realm” book. Undines are water spirits, Sylphs the air spirits, Salamanders the fire spirits and Gnomes the earth spirits. These are not to be confused with our usual conception of a gnome depicted in books.

I’m still trying to figure out how to photograph the salamanders and gnomes.

I’ve photographed water a LOT for over the last 20 years, and have never had an orb in one picture until recently when I learned about them. Now they must respond to me and my affinity for running water, because I find them in pictures of every hike that includes water and the sun shining.


A Happy Birthday?

I walked around the yard this afternoon, taking pictures for a blog.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this picture on the computer.

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Notice the large orb behind the barn — it’s by far the biggest one I’ve ever photographed and on a sunny day too! Sometimes an orb (emanations of Spirit Beings) has a message.

Maybe the orb’s wishing me “Happy Birthday.”

Foggy Orbs … or … Orby Fog

Traffic lights on the highway showed that a light fog had moved in. I grabbed up my camera and headed out to see how it would look in pictures. The low fog came and went 5-6 times. It was low enough I could look up and see a cloudless sky and Orion. During all the in and out of the house fog watching, I ended up with over 120 pictures. Here are a few that illustrate the many possibilities of fog pictures.

IMG_5439 redThe fog had orbs!

This was the first picture I took at 8:15 p.m.

IMG_5449 redThe fog definitely had orbs,

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and it varied in denseness.

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Every picture was an adventure — I had no idea what to expect next.

IMG_5487 redThe fog lifted from around the pine and hackberry tree..

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Orbs stayed behind.

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Several pictures resembled this one.

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This looked more like an “orby fog”

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 and in this picture too.

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My last trip out at 9:45 p.m. was still foggy. There not being a single orb in my last few pictures shocked me.  Apparently the Spirit Beings that emanated the orbs wanted me to have this experience with the fog and orbs.

This picture also shows that these orbs were not, and could not, be formed by the camera lens.

An Afternoon Hike

It wasn’t hard for my new 4-year-old grandson to convince me to take him on his first hike.

IMG_1029 crop redWe headed for a local lake where Buffy and I hike often. We followed the lake trail when we got there.

IMG_1028 crop redI couldn’t resist the urge to see if any orbs were joining us.

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Photographing daytime orbs requires sun and a shadowed area/tree to position the orbs in front of. Thin cloud cover makes photographing them easier too.

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I always hold my left hand up to block the sunlight from my eyes and use the camera’s display to locate the sun and orbs.

Jaxson, Buffy and I had a lot of fun. Looks like maybe the orbs did too.