Posts Tagged ‘spiders. webs’

“Blue Crystal and other Discoveries

A “blue crystal” … I’m not sure what the light’s reflecting from.

This piece of wood’s mostly covered with a variety of lichens and a couple of teeny pale red mushrooms.

A yellow-bellied sapsucker went first to the pine tree. You can tell the holes they drill by the way they’re in straight and horizontal lines. Sap flows from the holes and the sap suckers feed on it.

Clouds also add a variety of their shapes

Spring’s slowly arriving, and the spiders are already beginning to work on their small

 and large webs.

Evening Web Building

 I became interested in spiders and their webs during the first part of September,


when I watched an orb weaver spider weave its web in the front yard for the night. ( I watched take it down the next morning.)


The color varied from the changing angle of the sun, the color of it and surrounding darkening colors.


Obviously, the sun made for a dramatic picture too.


I don’t remember if there was a breeze or not. Cars and trucks passed on the highway. I ignored them.


I can’t explain what caused this picture to turn out like it did. It had to be a combination of the light and sudden movement to create those web shapes.


The spider went round and round, patiently building its web.


I almost ran out of daylight. I would’ve of liked to see what the spider caught for its evening meal.

… It had already taken the web down before I got up the next morning.